
Basic XBee Examples

  1. XBee Practical Example - Using the XBee ZigBee radios in paired communication between two PIC microcontrollers.
  2. XBee Firmware Upgrade Example - Demonstrates how to build a bare-bones circuit for loading firmware and configurations to the XBee radio without the need for custom interface boards.
  3. Common XBee Mistakes – A helpful list for troubleshooting why your XBee radio isn’t doing what you think it should.
  4. XBee Power Management - Jeff LeBlanc’s documentation of our power management and pin sleep research.
  5. XBee Direct Input/Output - Moving data without external microcontrollers.

Applied Examples

  1. LilyPad XBee – a sew-in wearable radio system.
  2. Programming Arduino Wirelessly - Put an Arduino on the ceiling, underwater, up a tree, stuffed in a turkey or what have you and still be able to change and improve its behavior.
  3. ZigBee Internet Gateway – A system to allow prototype devices to transparently connect to any URL on the Internet.
  4. XBee API Library for Processing -  a Processing library for Digi’sXBee radios.


  1. XBee DriveBy - The PDF from my students-teaching-students presentation at ITP on XBee ZigBee radios, covering the basics of applications, comparisons to other technologies, how to make one, advanced projects and some configuration in-depth.


  1. Digi - Manufacturer of the XBee radios.
  2. Product Manual -XBee OEM Module information (for 802.15.4 firmware).
  3. ITP Internal ZigBee Wiki - ITP students and staff can register a unique PAN ID here for themselves and their projects.

9 thoughts on “ZigBee”

  1. Pingback: XBee: Introduction for Beginners « Creative Electron

  2. Pingback: XBee: Introduction for Beginners | Tea Break

  3. Pingback: XBee: Introduction for Beginners

  4. i want to configure 2 Xbee pro without using un computer interface ..so i have 2 microchip pic 16f877A and goal is to send a frame using a keypad and via a xbee..so i can configure the xbee just using the microcontroler code and sending the AT commande with the data frame..i want your help please..thank you..

  5. first of all thanks for the great website and book, I have done point to point communication b/w xbees and also broadcast messages . I want to use Xbees in home automation and security Project. So I want to know do you have any tutorial for it. I want to interface zigbee enabled switches and dimmers and AC controls.

  6. Pingback: A Last Minute Change: XBee | TechnoChic blog

  7. Good day

    We require assistance with setting up a zigbee network with the micro modules. Please advise if you can assist (XCTU settings), and what the costs are.

    Kind regards

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