
Currently in progress:

  1. XBee Internet Gateway
  2. iDigi
  3. Botanicalls Kits
  4. Networked Breathalyzer

Completed projects, many of which are still active:

  1. Building Wireless Sensor Networks
  2. XBee LilyPad
  3. GroundedPower
  4. 4-in-4
  5. XBee API Library for Processing
  6. Helpful Arduino Functions
  7. Battery Tests for Arduino and XBee
  8. Botanicalls Twitter: A do-it-yourself version of the Botanicalls project
  9. ITP Alumniblender: A digest of all the blogs by alumni of NYU’s Tisch ITP program
  10. ITP Blogblender: A digest of all the blogs at NYU’s Tisch ITP community
  11. Botanicalls – The plants have your number
  12. XBee ZigBee Radios – Wireless mesh networking for physical computing projects
  13. Sketch & Share – Collaborative sketch pad toy for sharing drawings and sounds over distance
  14. BlueWay – Networked location-based wayfinding system
  15. SnakeEyes – Networked game controllers.
  16. WildLight – A networked device that brings organic light to dark or windowless spaces
  17. Social Genius – Build your social capital by learning everyone’s name

Also see Teaching for my Classes

11 thoughts on “Projects”

  1. Hi Mr.Faludi
    I have your book about the wireless sensors networking and am interested to find out how and what type of zig-bee 1,11 mesh do utilizes companies use, can we just look at the usage of our consumption or its all encrypted? I like to make app that can sense and be connected over the cloud.
    Is there any product out there that can let us see how much power are we consuming by the kilowatt meter?

    1. As you might imagine, the utility network is encrypted so that meter readings are secure. You would either need to know a pre-shared link key (PLK) or have an ECC (ecliptic curve cryptography) certificate provided to you by the utility or meter manufacturer. Companies like Tendril use these in their products, and participate with utilities to provide information to consumers.

  2. Hi Sir
    I have looked at your soil moisture sensor that u posted sometime ago..i have built it and its working perfectly as supposed,now i want to send the output to a PIC for designing an automatic irrigation system,is there need for an analogue to digital converter in order to do this or the output voltage from the sensor can be put directly to the RF transmitter?? please help me i am stuck…

  3. I am trying to use xbee direct feature to connect a sensor to a pc. I am using series 2 and have configured one as zigbee coordinator at and other as zigbee router at. I can chat using the two while connecting both through usb . However when i am connecting the router xbee to a sensor remotely with a breakout board on a breadboard and trying to obtain the data on the pc, i am failing. The RX light in the coordinator xbee is not even blinking. I cant understand what am i doing wrong. Please help me with this. Thnx in advance.

  4. Hi, Mr. Robert

    I´m developing a zigbee network, but i have a doubt. Can i make the network without using a PC, i need to use only microcontrollers. Have 1 coordinator and some end points.
    Its that possible?

  5. Hello sir

    currently i m working on energy meter using zigbee. i have one doubt. so want to clear. i have one coordinator and under that i have 200 routers. i performing mesh network. i want to know the best possible path for each node. i need route indicator response. by making AR enable in the coordinator only i am getting A1 frame with the path for each node. but the data is coming continuously. so i disabled the ar command. still i am getting response. to stop i reset all the routers with coordinator. as i am resetting the path is also not valid. so i am unable to do source routing. can you please guide me how to get the A1 frame which has route indication without resting any modules.
    NOTE: i am making AR command enable by making it zero (0x00).

  6. Sir,

    I am new to zigbee, I am presently building 2 different types of proximity detectors, with their output taking from relays, i.e logic 1 or 0, will the same sets of codes for the switch actuator example work for this application?

  7. Rohith Krishnan

    Dear Sir,
    First of all I would like to convey my special regards for your book on Xbee wireless networking. It has proved really helpful in understanding the core concepts of the Xbee networks. Right now I am building a project using the series 1 Xbee, in which I intend to use star topology as I need to gather information from different microcontrollers and process them at a central node. Was wondering if you could help me with some examples as I couldn’t find a comprehensive solution for the same. I am using the ATmega series of microcontrollers. Using arduino IDE for programming.
    Rohith Krishnan

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