
Best New Battery Charger

A new battery charger for a new semester at ITP. The LaCrosse Technology BC-900, doesn’t just have a cool name, it also features a display that shows complete information on the batter charging process. It can handle both AA and AAA NiMH rechargeables in four totally separate banks. That means while one batter fast charges,

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Sensing & Dimming

midiDim Originally uploaded by Professor Shiny. We now have the basic sensing and dimming functions completed, using the MIDI dimmer and three photosensors over TCP/IP. The effect is excellent when the refresh rate is high. If we decide to go with a less frequent refresh rate, then a smoothing algorithm will need to be added

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XPort Twins

XPort Twins Originally uploaded by Professor Shiny. Here’s the two XPorts mounted on a single breadboard. One communicates with the other over TCP/IP and it finally works. Things I learned that I’d like to remember next time: Instead of sending inverted serial like we send to the computer from the PIC, the XPort is expecting

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East Village Parks

New York doesn’t have the same kind of great outdoors that you’d find in or near other cities. Instead there’s a motley collection of concrete playgrounds and corporate plazas, interspersed with vest-pocket parks of all kinds. I grew up near the East Village back before the cafes and art galleries. Back then the buildings didn’t

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