Voice Recorder
Final Project
Robert Faludi
ICM, Fall 2005

A program that allows ITP students to record their names for later inclusion in my matching game project. After entering their NYU NetID, they create separate recordings of their first name, last name and the place that they are from. These can be played back at any time, and re-recorded as desired. When the student is satisfied with the recordings, they are saved to .wav files on the local hard drive. This project used several new libraries that I was not initially familiar with. The first is Amit Pitaru's Sonia library, which I implemented to record and play back the live sounds. I also used the MyGUILibrary to create button objects for the project, and explored the various other objects and parameters that MyGUILibrary offers.

The next step is to implement an automatic network transfer of the .wav files to the server. After serveral creative attempts to accomplish this using Processing's NET library, I've decided to try a different tactic and use either Sun's FtpClient or one by a third party. Sun's FtpClient is almost successful at uploading the files, but times out in the process and doesn't provide much documentation. It is also unsupported. Eventually I'd like to be able to open a stream through a socket and Serialize the Sample object to pass it to a live Java server where it could be further manipulated and transferred to other clients. NEW! This method now works!

The Voice Recorder :

  • This is the voice recorder, as a Mac, Windows or Linux downloadable application that saves files to disk.
  • Here is an web applet version, which saves to a server over the network. NEW!
  • Here is the code for the server that I built, which now works great. NEW!

  • Diagrams / Sketches / Links