

4th Floor Groove

Mike and I started out with the idea to lay down a beat made up of ITP noises, looped into a rhythm. We were then going to overlay it with various faculty statements. After recording a bountiful cacophony of ITP effects, like the mirrors, lockers, drums and so forth, we focused in on the faculty […]

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Paper Museums

The Grey Art Gallery is showing an exhibit entitled “Paper Museums” that highlights printmakers’ reproductions of other traditional mediums starting in the 16th Century. The exhibit demonstrated that reproduction of art is not just a 20th Century phenomenon, but goes back much farther and with surprisingly deep effects. We are shown that each of these

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Cartoon without Content

My cartoon project was to create a cartoon without content and explore how much information could be conveyed in structural elements. I used different sized frames, layout and various types of conversation and electronic announcement conventions to convey the shape of the story without any story or characters present. This was an interesting project for

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My money’s on Clay. It’s all about the barriers. The thing is, a physical quarter is something you already have. but Bitpass is totally different. If I had to put a quarter in my computer to read a comic, I would. Well, maybe… There’s surely enough to read without spending a quarter. In fact there’s

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Model Boats

This weekend we went up to Central Park for a picnic and decided to give the model sailboats a try. We got boat 73 which was already in the water. There was a light wind so we set out to tack across the Conservatory Water using only two little joystick controls and our limited combined

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Binary Glove

Binary Glove Originally uploaded by Professor Shiny. A tool for teaching binary finger counting. You hold up the correct finger representation of a binary number and the chip translates to decimal on the 7 segment display. This was a lot of fun to build, and a lot of work too. Very rewarding to have the

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Lab3-2 Originally uploaded by Professor Shiny. Resistors in the analog circuit seem useful for changing the behavior of the associated sensor. My glove project might need this, but I’m not sure if it will be important. You can also note that I’ve added various capacitors to smooth out the voltage. Had to find out for

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Lab3-1b Originally uploaded by Professor Shiny. The serial circuit goes to the computer screen via 9600 8-N-1. Memories of my “high-speed” modem setup from 1992 flood back to me. This looks like it will be really useful for debugging. I wonder if doing a USB interface is any more difficult?

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Lab3-1a Originally uploaded by Professor Shiny. The pot’s sensitivity changes with resistors, and differently depending upon whether the resistor is placed before or after the pot.

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