XBee Configuration for Macintosh

A new configuration utility for Digi International’s XBee radios is available for Macintosh, Windows and Linux platforms from Moltosenso in Italy, and it’s free. According to their web site, Moltosenso Network Manager™ IRON enables the following tasks:

  • full support to any API Operation mode (with and without escaped characters)
  • get/set of the parameters of Digi International® modules plugged to the PC, both in API and AT mode
  • get/set of the parameters of Digi International® modules remotely addressable
  • an effective graphic test for RSSI parameter, especially tailored for XBEE™ modules
  • firmware upload (local and – where available – remote) for many supported Digi International® modules.

Download it now and let us know what you think!

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