We use a lot of batteries at ITP. Most of these end their life as industrial waste in our “Techo-scrap” bin, eventually to be carted off by an NYU contractor to parts unknown where their chemicals perhaps leach into places unthinkable? Maybe, not. Hopefully they’re treated with great care, but it certainly would be far more environmentally sound for us to be reusing our batteries instead of handing industrial waste off as somebody else’s problem.
Therefore to get things greener, I set up a brand-new battery recharging station to be shared by all of our students and faculty. We can charge commonly available Nickel-metal Hydride (NiMH) AAA, AA, C, D and 9 Volt cells. There’s also a small Lithium-ion coin cell charger, for special 3.6 Volt rechargeable coin cells. To help answer technical questions, a manual for each charger has been laminated and attached to the recharging station.