XBee DriveBy Presentation


At ITP on Thursday evenings, students teach students in hour-long sessions that we call DriveBys, because a lot of knowledge gets sprayed into the crowd in a short period of time. I just did one on the XBee ZigBee radios, covering the basics of applications, comparisons to other technologies, how to make one, advanced projects and some configuration in-depth. Here’s the XBee DriveBy presentation as a PDF. There is also a streaming video of the session available now, thanks to Dan Phiffer.

2 thoughts on “XBee DriveBy Presentation”

  1. Hi,

    Great blog here with info on how to setup a Xbee module. Unfortuneatly the link to the zigbee.mov drivebymovie is dead.

  2. The movie file got deleted by the person who had made it and was hosting it, so unfortunately no record remains of that presentation. Sorry!

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