XBee Example: Making Money with a Coin Acceptor

Earn some income using this latest XBee Example that shows how to easily connect an XBee radio to one of Adafruit’s nifty coin acceptors. It’s part of our efforts to document how to create all kinds of interesting XBee inputs, outputs and interconnections.  We’d like to make making things easier.

Here’s what the site has to say:

“Your XBee can make real money, all by itself! This easy-to-use coin acceptor can be part of any project where you want to accept coins, whether they be Euros, pence, pounds, a Cambodian Riel or American quarters.

“The XBee radio will send a signal every time a coin is inserted into the acceptor. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through how to program the radio, configure the acceptor and wire it up to an XBee so you can create projects that earn real cash!”

The video below shows an XBee coin acceptor in a basic, local implementation. It’s just a starting point for you to get creative. For example you could also hook everything up to the Internet via the new XBee Internet Gateway and start Counting Money with a Coin Acceptor online!

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