We just announced the winners for the 2012 Core77 Design Awards DIY category. The jury, which included Becky Stern of Adafruit, Hackett of Madagascar Institute, Yuri Glitman of Banana Design and myself spent 20 minutes chatting about the projects. You can watch the video and view the winners online. They include:
- Winner: Brian Chan’s Laser-cut Folding Ukulele, a musical instrument you can make and play yourself
- Runner Up: Samuel Bernier’s Project RE_, a 3D-printed catalog of upcycling inventions
- Runner Up: Pensa’s D.I.Wire, a computer-controlled wire bending machine
- Notable: Vikram Dinubhai Panchal’s Personal Light Source “TORCH”, an ingenious folding flashlight
- Notable: Sarah Pease’s audioJar, and upcycled set of DIY speakers
- Notable: Nigel Roddy’s Arion Automated Ironing System for the ironing-challenged
- Notable: Jeonghye Hong & Eunsun Lee’s Umbrella Cage for pet birds, made from a discarded umbrella
- Notable: Kian-Peng Ong’s Coronado, an activated ocean drum that recreates the sound of the surf
- Notable: Matt Tomasulo and City Fabrics Walk Raleigh, a system of unsanctioned signs that promote pedestrianism