Japanese Translation: “Building Wireless Sensor Networks”

Building Wireless Sensor Networks” has just been translated into Japanese, thanks to the tireless and inspired efforts of my friend and colleague Shigeru Kobayashi for the Make Projects series. Translation was done by Bun Mizuhara with design by Yosuke Nakanishi. The Japanese title roughly translates to read, “Wireless Sensor Networks Made with XBee,” which describes the content very nicely. Shigeru chose the new cover art as an homage to the Botanicalls project, which used XBees in its classic deployment and will likely again in a future releases. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of this new translation, and then beg a friend to read it to me.

The Japanese version’s release date will be December 9th, 2011. You can order advance copies on O’Reilly Japan right now!

2 thoughts on “Japanese Translation: “Building Wireless Sensor Networks””

  1. hi,may i ask on the WSN project.do you have a project that related with wireless sensor network that can detect water tank leakage?i am looking for it in order to solve my problem on company tank.just to build on my own….with expert guide and help…
    really appreciate if you can share3 your knowledge…thanks=)

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