ITP AlumniBlender

alumniblender screenshot

Nearly a year ago, I created the ITP BlogBlender. This site compiles all the blogs written by current members of the NYU Interactive Telecommunications Program community into a single digest. This fall has seen a flurry of server changes, software upgrades, protective adjustments and layout improvements–all in preparation for the next big rollout:

This month I soft-launched the ITP AlumniBlender. The AlumniBlender is a digest for all blogs written by anyone who has ever attended or taught at ITP. The intent is to create a community for alumni, keeping them connected and up to date on each other even though they have left the day-to-day contact of the ITP floor. To beta-test the installation, I moved all the 2007 graduating class onto the new site. Everything appears to be functioning just fine. Next week the AlumniBlender will open to all graduates and former ITP community members. Success will be the creation of a broad site that strengthens the connections in our alumni network. It’s already a pretty good read.

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