Rob Faludi @ ITP: XBees


Basic XBee Examples
  1. XBee Practical Example - Using the XBee ZigBee radios in paired communication between two PIC microcontrollers.
  2. XBee Firmware Upgrade Example - Demonstrates how to build a bare-bones circuit for loading firmware and configurations to the XBee radio without the need for custom interface boards.
  3. XBee Power Management - Jeff LeBlanc's documentation of our power management and pin sleep research.
  4. XBee Direct Input/Output - Using I/O without microcontrollers.


Applied Examples
  1. Programming Arduino Wirelessly - Put an Arduino on the ceiling, underwater, up a tree, stuffed in a turkey or what have you and still be able to change and improve its behavior.


  1. XBee DriveBy - The PDF from my students-teaching-students presentation at ITP on XBee ZigBee radios, covering the basics of applications, comparisons to other technologies, how to make one, advanced projects and some configuration in-depth.


  1. Digi - Manufacturer of the XBee radios.
  2. Product Manual -XBee OEM Module information (for 802.15.4 firmware).
  3. ITP Internal ZigBee Wiki - ITP students and staff can register a unique PAN ID here for themselves and their projects.


Networks exist in the spaces between things. -Clay Shirky